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Power Surge

How many times do I feel like I’m “running on empty” in my life?  Lacking energy and zeal, I can sometimes go through the motions without any true passion or vision, just “making it through the day”.  Those are the times that I operate...

In This Room

(For my friend Wanda, who sits with Jesus in a hospital room today…) The antiseptic smells permeate my air The needles in my arm, my freedom steal The sounds of working monitors ringing in my ears Surroundings unfamiliar and surreal The gray walls of this...


I am a sucker for word pictures.  My mind needs something to focus on, to hang on to, to better understand “abstract” truths.  You know, those things that I want my heart to grasp, but that sometimes seem ethereal. I’m really glad that the bible is...


Today truly is “Windsday”… “Jarvis’ never give up.”  That’s been one of our family mottos from the time the kids were tiny. It’s what we’d say when they faced difficulty in school or sports or commitment to...

One and Only

It’s snowing!  Woke up to beautiful white flakes falling through the air and landing to make a soft white blanket on the ground!  It’s so beautiful!  And so crazy that just this past week it was 85 degrees here… Quiet house, a blanket, my coziest,...