Feb 21, 2013 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
There are times when I have to bite my tongue ’til it bleeds, hold my fingers back from typing something, or hold my fists back from punching someone in the face. There is a feistiness in me that wants justice. To set things right. To put someone “in...
Feb 19, 2013 | A Day In The Life, Songs/Poems, Verses
(Baby Sophia lies in a hospital bed in Washington tonight, fighting for her life. Please pray with me for this precious baby girl and her family. The roller coaster they are on is almost unbearable. But Jesus is there…) She lies there looking helpless Tubes...
Feb 19, 2013 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
Blood pressure is like golf. You want to keep your numbers low. I have high blood pressure. Like REALLY high. No one knows why. It’s put me in the hospital twice because the numbers were so scary. I eat right. I’m small. I’m not a smoker. My...
Feb 17, 2013 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
I just recently found a large, rustic wind chime. I snatched it right up like it was a treasure that everyone else was after. Truth is, no one else even knew that it was there. With its rustic appearance, it blended in with everything around it. But that’s...
Feb 14, 2013 | A Day In The Life, Verses
(Pssssst….I think someone likes you a lot!) Will you be mine? Yes________ No________ Love, Jesus I hope you know today that Jesus wants you as His Valentine. He wrote you more than a love note. He wrote you an entire book. He orchestrated you a love song...
Feb 12, 2013 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Songs/Poems, Verses
(If you struggle with anxiety like I do sometimes, it can feel like the heaviest garment you could possibly wear. But Jesus offers something better and asks us to exchange the “weight” for “wait” – to be still and wait…and know...