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All The Right Parts

Remember the song, Dry Bones? It’s basically talking about the connection of each bone to the next through the entire body: The foot bone con-nected to the (pause) leg-.bone, The leg bone connected to the (‘) knee bone, The knee bone connected to the...

Here and There

(I had a conversation with my friend the other day about glimpses of eternity that God gives us sometimes as a reminder of what we are waiting for, and whom we are living for.  Those sweet peeks of heaven remind me of coming out of a very wonderful, vivid dream and...

Life's A Pitch ;-)

I spent the majority of the day yesterday with my new friend, Karen.  The time flew by like it would with an old friend and it’s obvious that God orchestrated our “random” meeting. God used her words to once again reiterate the whisperings of my...

As If It Were The Last

It was a wild and wonderful weekend. Blake had a friend from AZ come and spend the night on Wednesday and Thursday.  We walked downtown with them on Friday night to enjoy some outdoor dining and a little Pleasanton hospitality.  Later that night, they joined a mutual...

Praying With My Eyes Open

When I was little I used to try and peek at what was going on around me when my dad or the pastor or any adult was praying.  I couldn’t keep my eyes closed and sit still long enough to make it through an entire prayer. Somehow I always thought that I was being...

You've Got A Friend

Once in a great while, something hits you so profoundly that it leaves you thinking and processing for days after, and somehow  changes your life forever. I was online recently and heard someone talking about the Holy Spirit and His presence in our lives.  Our...