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It's A Gem

Today Abby and I fly out to go to LA to see Brittany and Brendan and to help Britt set up her classroom for the new school year. Am I happy? Ummmmm…the pope is still Catholic, right? 🙂 With my kids spread across the world map, these blips on the timeline of...

Brown Is The New Green

There was the quietest, most gentle sound that grabbed my attention today. Rain! It probably didn’t last more than two minutes, but that refreshment from heaven made me smile like a five-year-old in a candy store. We are experiencing drought conditions in...

Anything But

Same ol’, same ol’. Ho hum. Same crap, different day. Though I’ve used all of these phrases at some point, I have come to disbelieve every single one of them. There is no reason that any day should be an exact replica of the last. If “His...

Morning Walk

Diggin’ it…  Mossy trees, old barn wood fences, huge rock walls, mountains and endless forest. This is what my happy place looks like…. 🙂  Just add water… Sigh…. Psalm 19:1 – The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim...


Extravagant. ex·trav·a·gant ikˈstravÉ™gÉ™nt/ adjective  – exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate; absurd. Soak in that definition for a minute. What comes to mind? Beauty? Riches? Abundance? Ridiculousness? Yes! Now apply that adjective to the word LOVE and...


My favorite teachers and profs in school were the ones who engaged us with a question.  A riddle that made us think about a problem instead of just giving us an easy answer. If they posed it, it meant there had to be an answer.  And though it might have taken us...