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New Look, New Start

Heading to my friend’s house today to do a  little love update at her house…my prayer is that what I do there will not just produce a new look, but a fresh start.  Pray for me…

Another Week Of Awesome People

After two days of work, all the shutters are in the house and look amazing!  And I am not waking up at five a.m. to the sun shining in my face!  And I can get out of the shower without having to crouch down out of the realm of visibility 🙂 The shutter guy, in true...

Testing The Path Theory…

I went for a very early run this morning.  The air was clear and brisk.  The sun was just coming up.  No one was around.  It was glorious.  So I made my way to my trail and began running.  Initially, the run itself felt so good that I didn’t have to focus on...

Broken Record

At the risk of sounding like a broken record (does that phrase even mean anything any more?) I just have to brag on Jesus again today.  The day started early with the kids needing to be at church at 7:45 to help with VBS.  Halfway through the morning, Abby had to...

Kisses From Heaven

Some really great stuff happened this week.  They may seem little, but to me they were little love kisses that God blew our way, just because. Abby got her job at Starbucks yesterday!  Blake and I went to sign him up for actual classes yesterday and the lady that...


Yesterday You were right beside me Though I couldn’t see Your face Your presence was all consuming Transcending time and space As I read the words You wrote me I could almost hear Your voice That sweet whisper in my ear That made my heart rejoice And though I...