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Circles In My Squares

(Learning that the two different shapes inside me can hold hands instead of beating each other up:-)) I have circles in my squares Soft curves inside the structure of a box Round, continuous and playful Singing loudly when the square simply talks. Round things bounce...

Wrestle With Wondering

(I am often bombarded by thoughts that I am not enough, not doing enough, not giving enough.  That I am forgetful and too often selfish.  If you ever struggle in the same way, this is for you.  We are not perfect, but we have access to a perfect God who will grow us...

Over It

Overwhelm me with Your presence Overtake me with Your love. Overcome me with the beauty of Your face. Overjoy me with Your mercy Overfeed me with Your sweet words Overlap me with the blanket of Your grace. Too much will never be enough Of all You are for me My empty...

Thanks, Adele…

I love Adele.  But up until this morning her singing never actually made me cry.  One might think that my tears came because of exhaustion and an overloaded mind.  Okay, that might have contributed a little bit… But the main reason for my tears was that I...

Savor The Flavor

Brooke Fraser has a line of lyrics in her song, Faithful, that goes like this: “So I whisper soft Your name, let it roll around my tongue…”  I love that.  Such a vivid picture of SAVORING Jesus, in the case of this song, even when the world around us...

Jeni's Song

(Our friend, Jeni, ran through the gates of eternity yesterday after a long battle with cancer.  She was a valiant warrior and a deep lover of Jesus who used her genius gift of music to lead others in worship.  I can only imagine the joy that is all over your face,...