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Mind and heart Not always the best of friends One thinks One feels And when out of balance they tumble and collide Bumping into each other and fighting for the same spot A type of sibling rivalry One claiming common sense, the other understanding One logic, the other...

A Novel Idea

Playing with the idea of writing a novel…storyline playing in my head…very scary and intimidating…but intriguing…high potential for failure though…still, a whole new...

Yep. That Good.

Today was a really good day. Just got home from five days in Seattle.  Got to meet and see so many amazing people.  It started at the airport, continued on the plane and went on for the rest of the trip.  Incredible time spent with precious friends, old classmates,...

Hug My Soul

Jesus, Could you please hug my soul tonight? I can feel it aching in my throat. Deep longings that wear away at it’s strength. The gammet of emotions taking their toll. Can you hold it for just a little while? Caress the bumps and bruises it has accrued along...

To Run or Not To Run

I had a hard time getting up at five today.  Everything in me wanted to crawl back into bed and pull the covers up over my head.  But I got ready and then remembered that my ipod went missing.  This meant another day of running without music.  Something I would not...