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Singin' and Dancin'

You know what’s awesome? I’ll tell you what’s awesome. Riding in the car with someone you love, singing your lungs out together. Janay and I headed to Sacramento yesterday to meet with the women who run the headquarters and do all the...

Miles of Smiles

TODAY JANAY COMES FOR A VISIT FROM CAMBODIA!!!! Enough said. Well, almost.  Because by the weekend ALL of my precious 20 something’s will be under mama’s roof!!!! The goofy grin shows up even in print, doesn’t it???? Happy, happy, happy, happy!!!!...

Miss McCay's Mom

Sometimes you get to be a rock star without even trying…. Like when you leave the house for an hour and come home to two pups who greet you like you’ve been gone for months and there is nothing in the world they would rather do than lick your face and tell...

Who Knew????

Who knew???? Who knew on August 17, 1985, that the little bundle of joy that made her way into this world would change my life forever? Who knew that for the first time a beautiful little 7 lb. package would show a young woman what unconditional, unrelenting,...

Honey, I'm Home!

I’m back!!!! After an unbelievable week (Thank you, Mark and Ann!) of relaxation and fun, we are back.  I feel recharged, newly inspired and ready for a fall season of new experiences and endeavors. I’ve missed writing, but the days were so full of...