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Believe It Or Not

I’ve got some processing to do. And I thought I’d do it “out loud”, here. There are many reasons: 1.  I’m still getting my head around what happened this morning. 2.  I want to document what happened so that I don’t forget. 3.  I...

Frank And Bob

I just heard it again… A pathetic little sound that carries across road, across the soccer/baseball field and directly to my back yard. Every morning.  7:30, like clock work. There is a mule that resides in a field about a half mile behind us. This mule,...

God Change. Good Change.

Every once it a while it’s nice to realize you aren’t the same person you were a few years ago. There are the obvious changes of a few more wrinkles and gray hairs. But I’m talking about the GOOD changes.  The GOD changes. I had a conversation with a...

Team Ant

I should be completely creeped out right now. My skin should be crawling. I should be calling an exterminator, for Pete’s sake. But for some reason I am intrigued by the tiny ants that have invaded my side porch where a couple pieces of dry dog food escaped the...

Knowing The Product

We tried a new church yesterday (and are pretty sure it will become our new church home).  It was very “un-churchy” which captured our hearts right away.  It was real.  It was relaxed. It was casual. It felt like home. We heard a great talk on the...