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God Thunk

Nobody wants my house. Oh, everybody loves it.  People have come back multiple times and even written offers.  But every single time, something has fallen through or come up short. Jesus has shut the door, nearly literally, on the sale of our home. The fact that it...

A Closer Look At The Little "g"

Texting. It’s how I function these days. I send love notes to the friends and family and let them fly from my phone the wings of cyber space. It’s how I make appointments and set up one-on-one’s. I love its function and efficiency. I love the voice...

Reflections From The Back Row

Yesterday was possibly the strangest Easter I’ve ever had. My husband is in China and three out of four of my children were in all in their respective places around the globe. My extended family is two states away. Even my local daughter ended up being called...

When The Dreamscape Changes….

I am a strong believer that dreams mean something. There are dreams that symbolize our emotions and situations. That put pictures to the inner goings-on of our everyday lives. Most of us would agree that our subconscious is just waking up in the form of dreams when...