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Praying With My Eyes Open

When I was little I used to try and peek at what was going on around me when my dad or the pastor or any adult was praying.  I couldn’t keep my eyes closed and sit still long enough to make it through an entire prayer. Somehow I always thought that I was being...

Give And Take

It was sweet and simple, but clear as a bell… “Take what He gives, and give what He takes”. It sounds almost cliche, like something on a bumper sticker or something, but I’d never heard it before.  It was that voice in my heart, that...

You've Got A Friend

Once in a great while, something hits you so profoundly that it leaves you thinking and processing for days after, and somehow  changes your life forever. I was online recently and heard someone talking about the Holy Spirit and His presence in our lives.  Our...

Like and Ish

Childlike. Childish. They sound similar, but they’re so very different. Childlike depicts a heart of wonder, trust, love.  It symbolizes the simplicity of acceptance and vulnerability.  It is a beautiful thing. Childish, on the other hand, has a very different...

Idol Worship

I had a bit of an “aha!” moment yesterday.  Actually, there have been a lot of those in the past few days, mixed with the deep emotions of the past week, both sweet and difficult, and the numerous encounters and conversations I’ve had with some...


This morning I drove on a road new to me.  It was called Foothill Road.  The name was obvious because of the location – right at the base of some gorgeous hills in Pleasanton.  From where the road is positioned, when you look up all you see is beauty.  The...