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Inside and Out

My friend Ruth said something last night in a prayer that so resonated with my heart.  It was not a new concept, but  an ignored one.  She basically was in a stream of thankfulness in her prayer and mentioned among a throng of other things her thankfulness for...

"This Screams YOU!"

“This screams you!”  I woke up to an email from my sweet friend Susan that had this title.   In the email was a link to a picture of an adorable Christmas “chandelier” – all rustic and wintery and wonderfully simple.  You do know me,...

The Difference One Letter Makes

As many of you have seen on Facebook, when I post things (instagram pictures) from my phone, I have more than a few  typos.  Texting, though done numerous times a day, proves to be a problem for my hurried fingers. One mistype seems to be consistent – hitting...

One Three Nine

(This past weekend, Debbie included Psalm 139, a favorite of hers, in part of her talk.  What she didn’t know is that Psalm 139 has also been a favorite of mine for the past 17 years when Mitchell died and I so needed to cling to the fact that both Mitchell and...

Sticky Situation

My glue gun broke yesterday.  I know, “first world problems”, but it definitely put a crimp in my ability to make things for my holiday boutique in a couple of weeks. So, I’m gonna have to suck it up and dish out the five bucks it will take to buy a...

Right There In It

Something struck me the other day.  It wasn’t necessarily a brand new thought for me, maybe just a more organized (did I just use the word organized for something in my head?) or specific version of an old understanding. Caves and lion’s dens and burning...