May 19, 2016 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments
I walk into my tiny, over-stuffed closet and feel that familiar pit in my stomach. I feel my blood pressure rise in degrees, as if my clothes, wedged like angry clowns in a tiny car, are about to jump off their hangers and attack me for putting them in this position....
Jun 29, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
I CAN DO HARD THINGS. This phrase has been scripted in various forms on Pinterest lately. Such a simple, almost childlike, phrase, but it has become my mantra lately. – When the physicality of my job threatens to leave me in a heap on the floor. – When I...
Jun 11, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
(This was written yesterday, when I woke to unexpected rain…) It’s raining. As I sit here at my desk looking out at the parched ground drinking in every sweet drop of beautiful hydration, my heart sighs. It’s a really big deal when it rains here. We...
Jun 5, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
You know those times when “life” things go caddywompus and you’re left scratching your head and saying, “What the….?” On Monday I had a job that was nearly an hour away. It was a large home which meant two trips back and forth for...
Jun 4, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
I invested in a storage unit for my business yesterday. Silly as it sounds, I felt like such a big girl. My very own lock and key. As the manager walked me to my designated space for the first time, I got this weird little feeling in my stomach that I like to call...
Jun 3, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
The other day I witnessed this. That rare occasion when these two gave me a photo worthy moment and actually sat still long enough for me to capture it. What words come to mind when you look a little closer? Companionship? Contentment? Trust? They actually leaned...