Jun 5, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
You know those times when “life” things go caddywompus and you’re left scratching your head and saying, “What the….?” On Monday I had a job that was nearly an hour away. It was a large home which meant two trips back and forth for...
Jun 4, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
I invested in a storage unit for my business yesterday. Silly as it sounds, I felt like such a big girl. My very own lock and key. As the manager walked me to my designated space for the first time, I got this weird little feeling in my stomach that I like to call...
Jun 3, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
The other day I witnessed this. That rare occasion when these two gave me a photo worthy moment and actually sat still long enough for me to capture it. What words come to mind when you look a little closer? Companionship? Contentment? Trust? They actually leaned...
May 27, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Creative Endeavors, We-Do Wednesday
Yesterday brought me another vacant house. I could feel the emptiness when I walked in. All of life had literally been sucked out of its walls, with the departure of its owners. The walls seemed sad as their blank faces stared at me. They looked especially pale, void...
May 21, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Creative Endeavors
After yesterday’s post, Marcia Robinson, from Washington State (who also happens to be my wonderfully creative aunt!) sent these pictures of things she has created in her gorgeous backyard, made from old pallets and a recycled door. They are set as splashes of...
May 20, 2015 | A Day In The Life, Creative Endeavors
Okay, people. Gonna shake things up a bit here. Wow. That was a huge overstatement. Let’s try again. I’m going to do something new on Wednesdays. My heart is all about restoration and making the old new. First and foremost this applies spiritually. But...