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 – exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate; absurd.
Soak in that definition for a minute.
What comes to mind?
Now apply that adjective to the word LOVE and you begin to get a glimpse of how God lavishes us with His intense care.
Completely out of proportion.  Boundless.  Unending.
And indescribably beautiful.
Yesterday I was reading about Jesus feeding the 5,000 from a boy’s small lunch of five loaves of bread and two fish.
Miraculous that every single person in that massive crowd could get their fill.
But Jesus didn’t stop with just satisfying their hunger.  There were twelve large baskets of leftovers when people were done eating.
And what did Jesus say to His awestruck disciples?  “Make sure that nothing is wasted.”  He had a plan for even the overflow and though we don’t know exactly what that was, it was no doubt used to bless others who needed it.
Because that’s God’s heart.
Full to overflowing.  Nothing wasted.
Beautiful extravagance.
Love that covers more than the need, that stops at nothing to show us His heart.
That extravagant LOVE that went all the way to a cross to prove itself.
Always available.
Baskets of leftovers to be shared with others in need.
Not one drop wasted.
“Exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate; absurd.”
Wrap up in that extravagance and wear it throughout the day.  Share its abundant warmth with a world shivering without it.
Break apart the endless loaves and enjoy the taste with a very hungry crowd.
You are extravagantly loved…
1 John 3:1 – See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
Romans 8:38-39 – For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
John 6 – Story of feeding the 5,000

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xo, jana




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