It’s been a week since I left home to come up to Washington. Tomorrow I leave to head back to Pleasanton.
But with all that’s happened in the past week, all the people that I’ve seen, places I’ve been, it could easily seem like it’s been longer.
And then there’s the stuff going on inside me…
My primary goal with this trip was a speaking engagement. But that was only one short evening. Then there were several glorious days of seeing family and friends and peeking into their worlds for a little while again. I loved every minute of it. But the past couple of days have largely (with a few meal dates!) been in solitude.
This has become a yearly event for me and seems to usually fall around this time of year. I use it as a time of quiet with God to review the past year and listen to any hints He has for the future. Sometimes it’s merely a time of relaxing and regrouping before going back to my normal schedule. But sometimes, like this time, God shows me a glimpse of the next part of His plan and how He wants me to help.
This has been 48 plus hours of recognizing my weaknesses and discovering some new strengths. Of knowing what I’m good at and what I’m not and realizing that both of those categories are part of God’s design on my life. He seems to be fine tuning what I need to be doing and filtering out what I don’t need to be doing. And once again, He seems to be breathing new air into my lungs. Fresh perspective. Renewed motivation. A better understanding of His beyond words love.
I have experienced the love of amazing people this week. And it seems that the messages they are giving are just another accent on the same voice God is using in my ear. Thank you, all my Washington family and friends, for singing in such harmony with God this week and for being an instructive tool in my life.
My prayer for you is that you, also, would hear God’s voice in a new way, experience His life-changing love in a fresh way and forever know the gratitude and adoration that this girl feels for each of you from the bottom of her little heart!!!!
Thank you, Jesus, for all you did this week. Now send me out to pass it on!