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(Thanks for the encouragement and prayers towards yesterday’s endeavor.  God had so much more in mind than I could have imagined and surprised me with His sweet secrets for the day.  I loved every single minute of it.  Thank you, Jesus.  You are way too good to me. 🙂 )

And for the first time in days she sat down and breathed in the deepest, most satisfying air she could imagine.  The glorious warmth of sweet contentment and thankfulness resting on her smiling lips.

It was a very good day.  A very, very good day. 🙂

She’d spent hundreds of hours, multiple months and endless days preparing for the event.  Stretching the sides of her mind’s box.  Creating and crafting and repurposing.  At times overwhelmed by the enormity of the task, but continually thrilled at the chance to pair her mind’s eye with her busy fingers.  The parts of her brain that were so often subdued by the realities of life and the must-do’s of obligation and responsibility were, for an entire week, allowed to play freely and with abandon.  This meant, of course, that laundry would form heaps, dinner would consist of soup and/or salad, and the little doggie “tootsie rolls” would multiply in number in busy neglect.  But, somehow, messiness in the midst of creativity didn’t offend her senses as her right-sided brain activities increased.  After all, puppy poops would still be there to pick up later.  Laundry doors were meant for closing and light dinners were better for you any way.

Not to say that there weren’t a few panic attacks along the way.  There was still that perfectionistic side of her that demanded that everything she pursued be, well, perfect.  The worrier in her wondered if there would be enough time to finish everything, enough items to please everyone’s taste and enough strength to complete the preparations.

She’d turned the house upside down to fit extra tables of Christmas cards and decorations and jewelry and gifts, crafted not only by her hands but by the hands of many others who offered to join her in the festivities.  Little by little, her home became a Christmas gallery – a place for people to share their art and talents with others.  Christmas trees were erected. Strings of white lights were placed and tucked.  Candles were lit and apple cider with cinnamon sticks brewed, filling the air with swirls of holiday scents.  Neighbors brought home baked cookies and Christmas music played.

And before the doors opened to the countless people who would be entering this “touch of Christmas” experience, it hit her.  This project had become so much more than she had anticipated.   It was a coming together of so many people that she had come to know and love working toward one goal.  In the process, friendships had been deepened, inside jokes had been formed and the group of individuals had become a single unit of love and appreciation.  Of laughter and understanding.  A broader base from which to affect a community.  The many became one.

Seven hours of business flew by.  Much was bought and taken away.  But greater than the success of  large numbers and dollar signs was the success of new connections made between women.  Friends introducing friends to other friends.  Strangers taking the risk to put their hearts out there trusting that it could and would lead to something they had never before experienced.  Someone they had never before experienced.

There was joy.  There was immense  joy that filled the house that day.  Joy of the season.  Joy in the REASON.  The joy that comes when there is no agenda, no ulterior motives, no must-do’s.  The simple pleasure that comes with the company, the smells, sounds and tastes of Christmas.  Sweet hot chocolate to the soul.

And then, just like that, it was over.  All of the hours and days and weeks of preparation had culminated into one special day that passed too quickly.  Decorations would come down. Candles would be blown out.  The crumbs of eaten cookies still lingering on the counters.  The  unsold items would be boxed up and put away.

The money all counted and delegated, the last of the helping friends walked out the door that had opened for so many that day.

And for the first time in days she sat down and breathed in the deepest, most satisfying air she could imagine.  The glorious warmth of sweet contentment and thankfulness resting on her smiling lips….

It was a very good day.  A very, very good day. 🙂

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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