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Molly was ready.

She’d seen pictures on Pinterest of this project.  “Simple DIY” they called it.  It was a bookshelf made of reclaimed wood and some industrial pipes.

She knew what she needed.  She had all the right tools.

But Molly was so excited that she had skipped one small thing.

The tutorial.

She found herself sitting in the middle of old wood and metal, little screws littering the floor around her.  Everything she needed was right there, but she had no idea how to put it all together.

In her haste, Molly had forgotten to pause before hitting “play”.

I’m Molly.  (Sidenote:  Molly was also my imaginary friend when I was little. :-))

I get excited about things and run ahead.  I skip the instructions and try to put things together on my own. Ultimately, I find myself paralyzed, sitting in the middle of a mess of all the right pieces, all the right tools and no idea of what to do next.

This pretty much applies to every area of my life. Not kidding.

Pausing takes time and I am a “let’s get this thing going” kinda gal.

Can you relate?


This guy had a big project ahead of him.  The Jerusalem wall had been destroyed.  Broken.  The gates were burned.  Enemies had had their way with this protective boundary and the people inside were left vulnerable, brokenhearted and ashamed with the state it was in.


What was the first thing Nehemiah did?

Did he run to the wall and just start slapping up bricks and mortar, hoping that would do the job?


Nehemiah was smart. He knew this project was vital to God and to people. He paused before he hit “play”.

He prayed before he took one step forward.  A prayer for guidance, blessing and favor with the King to begin rebuilding what was broken.

He didn’t just depend on his own skill or even the tools he had access to.  He depended on the God who wanted this restoration for His people and who would give Nehemiah everything accomplish what needed to be done.

The purpose of The Jarvis House is to help rebuild and restore souls from brokenness, neglect and destruction. To help repair what’s been left in ruins

How can I not follow Nehemiah’s example of pausing and praying before something so important?

Is there an area of your life that has been left in ruins, that God longs to restore?  Is there something He is asking of you, where a pause is needed before the work begins?

Will you pray with me?


You’ve given me a project.  You’ve also given me everything I need for moving forward.  But before I go any further, I’m pausing.  I’m asking for Your guidance, Your favor and Your blessing in every aspect of it.

What You’re asking of me is too important to take lightly.  It bears Your name and is meant for the healing of others.

The last thing I want is for this to be another DIY endeavor. Another time where I run ahead and forget where I’m going.

Help me to only write the words that You give me and to not leave out anything that would help to restore the souls of those who join me here.

There is much to be done.  I so desperately need You and Your wisdom, strength and vision for whatever is ahead.

I can’t possibly do this without You.

Thank you, Jesus.


Nehemiah 2:18 – I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me…They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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