I love words. I love to put them together and make stories and pictures and songs out of them. But it struck me today that regardless of my love for words and word pictures, if I am not immersing myself in God’s Word, I don’t have a whole lot to say. At least nothing worth listening to or reading. If I don’t let God teach and change me through His words, then mine are just noise and needless chatter. If I don’t long to sit at the feet of Jesus and let his words penetrate to the very deepest parts of my heart and soul, my words carry little to no meaning. Every word that comes out of my mouth or through my fingers can only be fueled by His words transforming me from the inside out.
I will sometimes say and write things that are silly and unimportant. But my passion is for the words I choose that might soothe a hurting heart. Or encourage a struggling soul. Or offer understanding to a prodigal. Or empathy to a broken spirit. Because as much fun and as therapeutic as writing is for me, my words are not for me. They are for you.
Lord, please help me cling to Your Word. To read and meditate on and love your words. Give me a craving that makes me chew and savor and swallow those words. And then let those words create and form the words that you want me to pass on. Anything less is nothing…