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(This is a rough draft of the intro/premise of my book.  Would love feedback on what you think….is it clear?  Does it make sense?  Be honest….I can take it 🙂  I have made changes since I’ve received comments…)

Loving Jesus.  The most profound thing that we will ever do.  The thing that matters most.  The thing that thrills the heart of God.  The greatest commandment.  And maybe the most elusive.  What does it mean to truly love Him?  Does it just imply a devotion, a commitment, or an allegiance to Him?  We know that intimacy is possible in human relationships, but is it possible that we can have a personal, rich, intimate relationship with the God of the universe?  Something deeper and more satisfying?  I have to think so when it says in Mark 12:30 – ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ That’s all of  who we are, involved in this relationship.  God is asking us to throw it all in and enjoy all of who He is with everything that we are.

I’d love for you to join me on this journey of discovery.  A journey that has the capacity to change our lives forever.  Any journey is always better with a friend- someone that is experiencing the whole thing with you.  Someone to encourage you when you get tired, or frustrated or lost.  Someone who will read the map with you and sometimes for you.  Someone that will be there to help you when you get hurt along the way from tripping.  Someone to be in awe with as you discover new things together.

God desires an intimate relationship with every one of His children.  And I believe that it is something that every believer longs for and yet so few experience.  As if it were some great unattainable enigma.  But  it doesn’t have to be an unsolved mystery.  In fact, it shouldn’t be.

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?  The journey that will forever change our lives?  Will you come with me?  Let’s discover what it really means to enjoy a love relationship with Jesus every single day of our lives and how that will affect not only our world, but the world of those around us.

Jesus, please show us the way….

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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