I am dying. Not to scare you or anything, but it’s true. I don’t know when. I don’t know how. But I am, nonetheless.
Does that sound morbid? It’s not meant to. To me it is motivation to live every day like it could potentially be my last. I used to ask God to give me a heads up before I was going to die. You know, a few months of foreknowledge so that I could go and visit as many people as possible and tell them everything I wanted them to know about Jesus’ love and how much I loved them. I wanted the opportunity to make a video to show at my funeral that would plead with people to reach out to the great love that Jesus has for them and to tell them that I was on my way to where I have always longed to be – heaven. And to invite them to come one day, too.
But chances are it won’t happen that way. It could be sudden and unexpected. So what’s a girl to do? I want to choose to live every day knowing it could be the last one. It gives every encounter with every person a new meaning. It gives me a different perspective. It makes things that don’t matter, less important, and important things that I have neglected radically more urgent and necessary. It makes every relationship vital and every opportunity something not to be missed. It brings life into the focus that it should have.
Do I want to die tomorrow? No. But do I want to live today like I might? Absolutely. Oh, and if I do, please make sure there are every color and type of M & M at the memorial service to go with the music, dancing and celebrating 🙂 Because I will definitely be dancing in heaven!
Philippians 1:21 -For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.