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The term “fallen from grace” has always puzzled me.  How do you suddenly undeserve something that was already undeserved?  My thinking had always been that to fall from grace meant that you were somehow beyond the reach of grace, which I know is completely ridiculous and untrue.  But what does it mean?  I did a little research and came up with this…

Fallen  from grace?

How can it be?

When it’s what I fall into

It’s what catches me

If grace is greater than all my sin

How can I fall from what I’ve landed in?

If it’s grace that gives me what I don’t deserve

How can I fall from it?  The idea’s absurd.

Is my sin too heavy  for grace’s strength?

Too hard to reach for it’s arms’ length?

If grace is amazing

Then how can it be

That I could fall from it?

That it could drop me?

But no, there is only one way to fall

To let go of grace and hold on to the law

When I hang on to my efforts and all that I do

I’ve fallen from grace because I chose to…

I don’t hold grace, rather it holds me

Amazing grace.  How can it be?

Ephesians 5:2-4 – Paul is talking to the church about fighting the tendency toward legalism.  If they are trying to be saved by the law, then they have forsaken or “fallen” from grace, and have forgotten the wonder of all that it is….




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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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