Plus This….
Yeah, the perfect combination….and I am purring……mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 9, 2010 | Silly | 4 comments
Plus This….
Yeah, the perfect combination….and I am purring……mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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We, too, had a touch of snow this a.m. with more promised in the near future. The pics of you and your beautiful family are beyond price.
I sent some recipes..did you get them?
Yes I did! Thank you Grandma! She will love them!!!
Dear Jana: Oh, I am amazed how I came across your blog this evening reading backwards all the way to early October so far. YOU MY DEAR, are an excellent writer and every word (of God) so perfectly placed upon this page tonight, just for me!!! Every new entry is full of encouragement, simple truth, and a message just for me. Thank you for taking time to help lift me up in His love.
I am from Lacey Baptist Chapel and was Church Secretary for a time while Hilton and Lorna were there, it was the mid ’80’s to the early ’90’s.
Your blog has been bookmarked and I will return…….Thank you again!
Joan Anderson Hatch
Turlock, California
Wow! Thanks, Joan! How on earth did you find my blog?! I am having a hard time remembering your face, but I do recall your name! Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement. My prayer each time I write is that it would resonate with someone whom God wants to whisper His words of love and grace to. And I hope that the words will reflect that a simple, imperfect girl like me can enjoy such deep intimacy with the our precious God and Savior, and everyone is invited to share that same friendship and love. Thanks for taking the time to write to me. It means sooooooo much. And it is God’s sweet answers to my prayers….