Girls have been swarming around here. My son – the new guy in town – has had no shortage of females lately. They adore him. I don’t blame them. He’s a great listener. He’s funny as heck. He has a huge heart and is easy to talk to. People want to be with him. And I’m one of those people. I’m crazy about him.
Well, last night I got my chance. Abby went to dinner with an old family friend, so it was just Blake and me at dinner time. So I asked him out and he willingly accepted. His old lady won out over the young girls for a night! Yippee!!!!
We went for a nice dinner, enjoyed sharing our appetizers and one on one conversation. It was awesome! He treated me like his date, opening doors for me, etc. If he felt awkward going to dinner with his mom, there was no indication in his demeanor. We just enjoyed our time together. I asked him the hardest part of being in Colorado. He said, as I knew he would, that it was the lack of guy friends so far and that he missed his old buds. This made perfect sense. Then I asked him what was the best part. I fully expected him to say the girls. But he said it was our church. He loves the people, the fact that he has been able to be so involved and be such a part already, just the entire environment. He loves that he is being called on by the youth pastor to help with things, and called by junior highers, whom he is helping lead, who have questions for him. And my heart smiled. This is so what we had been praying for and God has so clearly and quickly answered. My heart nearly burst with thankfulness.
It was a short date. But it was yummy. Full of laughing and talking and listening and just being together. And my mommy soul was full to the brim….
Makes me think of how God, as my daddy, must feel when we spend alone time together. Listening, talking, laughing, sharing. He loves having His kids close with enough quietness in the situation to really share from the heart and just enjoy each other’s presence. He wants us to share the best and worst parts of our days. He already knows, like I knew what Blake’s hardest part was. But He wants us to open up and share our hearts with Him. There is something so healing in that, in expressing our souls’ thoughts and emotions and being truly heard. And that level of vulnerability also allows a deeper sense of intimacy and closeness with our Father.
Life is crazy and busy and distracting. But we need to have “date nights” with Jesus. He has so much to teach us, to show us. He wants to love on us, listen to us, to laugh and cry with us. He is the perfect date. And, like a gentleman, He has opened the door for us and invited us to join him.