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I’M noT opposed to thErapy

Counselling is great

To sort out strange emotions

Like pain and guilt and hate

But soMeTimes  when I’m doWn

And feeling melANcholy

All I need is my two spECial friends

That can bring me back To jOllY

The two sweet words they whisper

Are like Salve to MY soul

A SimpLe “ChubbY Hubby”

With a big spoon and a bowl

The bowl’s nOt really neeDed

They cAn feeD me from the carton

Almost before thE lid Comes off

I’m alrEaDy startin’

PEAnut butter filled prEtzels

In a yuMmY maLt ice Cream

PB and chocolate swirls

Any ice cream lover’s dream

So thOuGh my Day was stressful

I won’t grumble, I won’t pout

I’ll just go to the freezer

And get my ice cream out

So nicE to hAvE such good friends

At the end of a hard day

I Love you, BeN And Jerry

That’s all I have to say 🙂

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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