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I have always loved Amy Grant’s Christmas song, “Breath of Heaven”.  I heard it on the radio this morning on the way to work.  It always brings me close to tears when I hear Mary’s heart as she recognizes the incredible gift that has been placed within her – Jesus!  In the past I always thought about it from the standpoint of an expectant mommy and her being overwhelmed by the magnitude of it all.  But today it hit me differently.  Today I realized that just as Mary was chosen to carry the Son of God, we have been given that same amazing privilege.  As believers, we carry Jesus within us every day.  Is that incredible or what????? Like Mary, we are called to bring our Savior to this lost world.  To invite the shepherds, the wise men and everyone in between to come and adore our Jesus.  Do we really understand what God has entrusted us with?  Too wonderful to fully conceive (no pun intended), too overwhelming to really comprehend. 

No wonder Mary prayed…”Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.   How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! For  He took notice of His lowly servant girl…and He has done great things for me.” (Luke 2:46-49, NLT) Amen, Mary.  Amen.

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xo, jana




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