May 20, 2014 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
Easily swayed by pretty things Distracted by their beauty Drawn to sit and dream and stare As if it were my duty. Captured by rich texture Enamored with their touch Lost in places all my own With things I love so much. Sights that seem to hypnotize Smells that often... read more
May 19, 2014 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
Two trees grow a field’s breadth away from me in the direct line of vision from my family room couch. They intrigue me. I believe they are Blue Oaks, a type of oak native to Northern California. One leans against the other, its trunk leaning to the left from my... read more
May 16, 2014 | A Day In The Life, Verses
The sun peaks through wispy white curtains, a bit of mystery behind its invitation. Both its brilliant yellow hue and its welcoming warmth display the smile playing on its face, eager to rise and shine and usher in the birth of a brand new day. Beneath the... read more
May 14, 2014 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
Spent. It’s a pretty good word. When we’re talking about money, it means we’ve used it all. If we’re discussing time, we’ve invested it all. It’s when we give something to another person or endeavor, knowing we’ll never quite... read more
May 13, 2014 | A Day In The Life, Aha! Moments, Verses
Deep waters can be terrifying. Vast. Seemingly bottomless. Add the ingredients of Darkness Stormy skies The inability to swim The shore nowhere in sight And you’ve got a recipe for terror. Jesus’ disciples got a taste of that terror. 22 One day Jesus said... read more
May 12, 2014 | A Day In The Life, Verses
There are those whose hearts are relieved in knowing that Mother’s Day is over. Those whose hearts were pierced with every post and phrase expressing the joy of motherhood. Those who received no flowers or cards or hand-made present from a child. Those whose... read more