I can’t wear watches. Not that anyone really does anymore, but there is something in my system that makes clocks stop and the inside systems wind up so tight they die. Creepy, I know. I have no idea what causes this, but I like to say that it’s my magnetic... read more
You know that thing where you come face to face with your own humanity and all you can say is “ewww”? Did a heckalottathat this week. Maybe it’s because I’m so busy and sleep deprived. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I’m still... read more
I have a few cans of tuna and some bagels in my cupboard (and at this point, not a heck of a lot more!) Do you think that’s close enough to five loaves and two fish? There are also a few remaining bottles of water in my fridge. Good material for wine making?... read more
Fifty-one years ago today, a beautiful baby boy graced this planet. With a full head of dark hair and a sweet round face, he joined a unit of three and made it a family of four (which would later become five). For 29 years his smile charmed anyone he met and his huge... read more
Over the weekend, my childhood friend, Susan, put a post on my Facebook timeline. The Redfin listing of the house I grew up in. And something happened in me I was not prepared for. Memories flooded. Old emotions rose to the surface. Faces flashed before me and... read more