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Whew!  So that’s what it feels like to survive a whirlwind!

After weeks of getting ready for our move and then the actual event of moving (for now into a temporary rental until our place is complete), it feels good to sit down and write.

A photo by Dustin Lee.

(Big sigh…) So, hi!  I’ve missed you and our times together.  Your encouragement and feedback have been invaluable.  It’s why I do this.  For those conversations.  The “aha” moments we share. The insights we pass back and forth.  The glimpses of God and His goodness in the every day happenings of each of our lives.

I also do it because Jesus asks me to.  

It’s a kind of “telling on Jesus” kind of partnership.  The problem is, He keeps speaking and doing and I’ve been so distracted, so busy, that I’ve not been keeping up.  That’s a very nice way of saying I haven’t even tried to write these past weeks.

So I apologize.  To you.  To Jesus.  I’m sorry.

I haven’t been telling on Him in a blog sort of way lately.

The good news is, my lack of faithfulness has not affected His.  His presence has been prominent, His voice has been clear, and His attention to the details has been so spot on that it makes my head spin. Literally.  If you could see me right now, you’d mistake me for an owl. 🙂

So, friend, we have a lot of catching up to do in this new season of impending simplicity (so close I can almost taste it!).  I hope that it will lead to more conversations.  More thought provoking questions from you.  With you.  I’m counting on more examples of God doing crazy things in the most unexpected ways and having our eyes watchful enough to not miss it.  I’m ready for stretching and growing and newfound experiences that will shape and deepen our faith.

God has really good stuff in store.  For YOU!  For me!

Are you ready for this new adventure?!

I know I am.  And I couldn’t be happier to have you come alongside me on the journey!



***Teaser for our next time together:  “…that time when I got a text message from Jesus…”

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




Thanks for connecting! Check your email for some goodness, arriving soon...