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Well, it’s been a while hasn’t it?

It’s all for very good reasons (business is booming) but I still hate when we can’t get together and chat about life.  About our souls.  About Jesus and His unbelievable love.

I’ve missed you!

So let’s get back to it today, okay?

Last time we talked we were building a house.  The house of your soul.  That beautiful place you’ve always dreamed of that holds hope and promise, peace and rest.  The dwelling of the most profound and integral part of you.

We started with the foundation.  A relationship with the One who created your soul and has its very best interest at heart.  Whose every plan for your soul is good beyond measure.

Then we talked about constructing appropriate walls.  Boundaries equipped with windows and doors that let in only the things that benefit your precious soul.  Protective walls that keep out the toxic and harmful relationships and situations that slowly kill a healthy soul.

Foundations and walls are great.  But something is still missing.

What if it starts raining?

Anything that we decide to put in this house of ours would risk getting wet, damaged and maybe even ruined.

Scorching sun and pooping birds wouldn’t do it any favors either.

A roof might be a good idea.


A roof that would face the elements and serve as a protective cover over this new home of yours.

What does that roof look like when we’re talking about our souls?

Prayer.  With a capital “P”.

John Bunyan, who wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress, said it like this:

“Prayer is a shield to the soul…”

Paul (NOT Bunyan 🙂 ) said it like this in his letter to the Philippians:

“…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:6-7)

The roof of prayer protects us from being destroyed by circumstance.  It doesn’t keep the storm from coming but it guards our souls as the storm rages overhead.

It reminds us of God’s PRESENCE, His PROMISES and His PROVISION for the soul.

A couple of weeks ago, I found this in my new “Soul Space” (the converted garage I’ve been working on).

leaky roof1

Ugh.   I’ve done so much work on this room and then the rains came and highlighted a problem I have with the roof.  It’s fine as long as the sun is shining, but once it rains again tomorrow, the hole will get bigger and my things will get drenched.

I need to address the roof and fill in the gap that is letting this ugliness happen or everything I’ve worked for will be ruined.

My things need protection from outside elements.

Funny thing is, it was a picture of what was going on in my own soul as well.  The “outside elements” of busyness and fatigue were pouring down and I wasn’t covering myself with the roof of prayer as well as I should have been.

Leaks of anxiety and self-doubt crept in and began to play havoc on my soul.

No bueno.

Time to work on the roof.

Time to get back on my knees and remember God’s PRESENCE, PROMISES and PROVISION for my soul, regardless of the storm around me.

 – How is your roof, friend?

 – Have life circumstances left your soul feeling unprotected and vulnerable?

 – How can I pray for and with you in protection of your soul?

My new “Soul Space”  has a spot just for you.  I have a prayer board just waiting for your name and request.  

I am a very visual person and I want to pray for you.  Send me a  note card with just a word and your first name or initial on it.  On the back, write a bit of detail about your request so I can pray more specifically.  It will go up on my wall, detail side hidden, so that I can pray for you each morning as I start my day.  I mean it.

Send to The Jarvis House, 415 Abbie Street, Pleasanton, CA 94566. It’s going to be my favorite wall in the Soul Space. 🙂  

Let’s do this roof work and repair together so that our souls can live in a safe and restful place.

Psalm 91:4 – He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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