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In The Cracks And Between The Lines

I’m standing here in front of the mirror.  Counting lines and frowning at the number.  I quickly stop myself from frowning, knowing that will only add to the sum of these unwelcome parts. And while I’m left wondering when and where the next will show up, I...

Welcome To We-Do Wednesday!!!!

Okay, people.  Gonna shake things up a bit here. Wow.  That was a huge overstatement. Let’s try again. I’m going to do something new on Wednesdays. My heart is all about restoration and making the old new.  First and foremost this applies spiritually. But...

Just A Word

Sometimes it’s not just the words. It’s the timing of those words The tone The hug that accompanies them The source they come from That brings you to tears. Good tears. Most times you don’t even see it coming. You didn’t even know that you...