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delicate dandelion

Before the day takes on its shape

And molds me to its own

Before these dandelion thoughts

By busyness are blown

Before the sunshine calls my name

And beckons me to dance

Before sweet time births its to-do’s

Through life and happenstance

I will sit

I will wait

I will listen and will hear

The beauty of that “still small voice”

That whispers in my ear

My Guide will guide, my Teacher teach

My Father hold me close

My Comforter will comfort me

My Healer diagnose

I know of time

It won’t stand still

But as for me

I can, I will

So speak, Dear Jesus

I am here

Captivate my mind,

My ear

Sing the songs You have for me

Teach me the words, the tune, the beat

Read Your stories, cite Your prose

And I will listen, lean in close

Impress Your thoughts upon my heart

Each deep and rich and lovely part

Then send me on to face this day

Your truth, my truth

Your way, my way

Unfold my hands, unleash my words

Use my life so You are heard

Until tomorrow brings its day

Where once again this prayer I’ll pray….

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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