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December's Angel

Three score and thirteen years ago, an angel landed on this planet and made her home among us. The third child (and first girl) of six, she fell somewhere in the middle of five other siblings. She played the role of little sister to two and big sister to three. And...

Bigger Than Buts

Buts can be big.  They can even make the most sense, be the most logical in a discussion. They can bring up good points of practicality and probability. Buts can carry an argument and bring to light things unconsidered. They can highlight oversights and can sometimes...

Frustrated Will

I had a  dream just before I woke up this morning.  It seemed like it lasted forever, although I know that’s never true with dreams.  Somehow they capture in moments what, in “real life”, would take hours or even days to occur.  A little glimpse of...

The Thing About Things…

A whirlwind of activity is flying through my brain – Things to buy. Things to send. Things to decorate. Things to bake. The more I do, the more I need to do – Things to buy. Things to send. Things to decorate. Things to bake. Time is ticking away and...

Dirty Business

You gave breath to lifeless dirt Brought beauty from the dust of earth Took useless, ugly shifting sand And made living, breathing man What once lay flat upon the ground Now stood there with Your image crowned. The old transformed to something new A reflection of...