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“Can I come home with you guys?”

That’s what two people said to us on the way out of church last night.  Abby and Blake were there (home for Christmas!) and I was introducing them to as many of the arms-wide-open people of Blue Oaks Church as I could.  Abby’s hugs to strangers, Blake’s wide grin and their combined senses of humor and deep laughter and easy conversations made them fast friends with these people they’d never met before.

The joy on Mark’s and my face was undeniable.  Two of our babies were home!  Things instantly become a little louder and a lot funnier.  And our hearts fill with the warmest sense of happiness.

Of course, three of our kids won’t be here this Christmas.  Brittany and Brendan are with his folks in Arizona (we take turns every other year) and Janay is celebrating with her new friends and “family” in Cambodia.  We got to talk with all of them yesterday and hope to do the same today with more extended conversations and, of course, laughter.  🙂

Though all my birdies aren’t in one nest this year, they all had beautiful smiles that expressed their deep joy, not just in this sacred day of celebration and remembrance, but in God’s goodness, faithfulness and provision.  Just knowing His presence and love in brand new ways.

Here are a few pics to show you what this mama experienced yesterday and why my heart sings today… (NOTE:  the teardrops by Mark’s and my face are microphones from the reader’s theater we did at church.  Great fun!  And in Janay’s pic, they are all in jammies because it was a Christmas brunch.  She is at the far end of the picture with her arms around two of the girls)

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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