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Christmas Gifts

For of those of you interested in purchasing gifts for Christmas from the Daughters Of Cambodia Boutique, the site is  Beautiful, so wonderfully crafted and original and each piece made by the hands of those...

Cambodian Treasures

Mark got home about midnight last night from Cambodia.  Being beyond exhausted, he slept HARD and LOUDLY.  He was talking in his sleep in some foreign language (an unknown tongue, mind you) with sudden outbursts of the only words I could understand – PORK CHOPS!...

Sticky Situation

My glue gun broke yesterday.  I know, “first world problems”, but it definitely put a crimp in my ability to make things for my holiday boutique in a couple of weeks. So, I’m gonna have to suck it up and dish out the five bucks it will take to buy a...

Right There In It

Something struck me the other day.  It wasn’t necessarily a brand new thought for me, maybe just a more organized (did I just use the word organized for something in my head?) or specific version of an old understanding. Caves and lion’s dens and burning...

Nots To Lots

He loves me…. He loves me lots…. He loves me…. He loves me lots…. He loves me…. He loves me lots!!!! (Thanks to Laurie Cavil for the lovely picture taken during our day in Half Moon Bay!  A reminder that even in the “fall”...