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It's Personal

The Lord’s Prayer.  Most of us know it by heart and it easily becomes rote.  So this morning I let my heart and mind write it out in words that reflect my personal voice to my very personal God.  I prayed it for you, too.  🙂 Good morning Holy Father, loving...

Walkin' It Out

Yesterday, I went with my neighbor, Anne, to the nursing home that I will start volunteering at tomorrow.  She is going to come alongside me in this venture and together we will lead the residents in a weekly craft/baking time.  We excitedly talked about creative...

Safe House

In some parts of the country where tornados are not a rare occurrence, homes have storm shelters.  When we lived in Colorado, it was rare to find a house without a basement, a built-in security against such events. I remember in grade school, having drills where we...