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Matthew 18:20 – For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Two or three.

Such small numbers but such a powerful combo.

God says that when two or three of us get together “in His name” (i.e. to think of, talk about, sing to, reflect on Him) He is right there in the middle of all of it.  Sweet company!

I’m starting a women’s group at my house this fall called Two Or Three.  My purpose in calling it this was a reminder to myself and everyone that comes, that even if only one person comes and joins me at our Tuesday night get togethers, He is still going to be there working.  It’s not about the numbers.  It’s about experiencing the presence of God in community and watching Him answer shared prayers and work in ways that can be witnessed by more than one person.  Two or three.  It’s open to those who have “tasted and seen that He is good” and those that are still waiting for the dish to be passed in their direction.  No faith required.  Just two X chromosomes, a desire to connect with other women in a meaningful way, and a sweet tooth.  Chocolate will be provided.

I also have place in my front room with three deep cut out squares high on the wall.  I wasn’t sure what to do with them until the “Two Or Three” idea came to me.  Three squares.  Three words.  Bingo.  So I put this together and will place them on the wall later today when I’m finished painting the cut outs and surrounding wall area.  Something for people to see when they come in the door and know that God accepted the invitation to join this party.  (The background on the canvases is music and words from a dictionary – talking and singing to be done in this place!)


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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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