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Heading to Washington tomorrow for my grandma’s memorial service on Saturday.  Looking forward to seeing lots and lots of family and remembering the amazing woman we all knew and loved.  Without a doubt it will be a time filled with laughter, tears and memories galore.

As soon as we get back from there, Mark gets on another plane to go and interview for the rest of the week for a job that would take us to San Francisco.  Thus, my feelings of limbo lately.  Would appreciate any and all prayers for God’s clear direction for what could be a brand new chapter and adventure.  We are excited but want to distinctly hear God’s voice in this decision.

I will most likely not be writing this weekend and will just focus on this precious time with extended family.  I hope you have a wonderful, restful weekend with those you love and if you happen to think of me, please send up a prayer for our family and the upcoming decisions.

Hugs and more hugs….:-)

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




Thanks for connecting! Check your email for some goodness, arriving soon...