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(This is VERY random – just free-floating emotions as we pack up to take Blake to Colorado State University.  I hope to write more later when I’ve gathered my thoughts a little better and have more time to ponder at length.  Please excuse the form, or lack thereof…just the immediate thoughts of an aching mama…)

Emotions held at bay.

The lump in my throat forced down by sheer will.

Bags packed, the car loaded.

Rooms already beginning to echo with sweet memories.

The laundry room sighs with the anticipation of lesser loads to wash.

The fridge dreading its new diet plan.

A certain Nissan will soon change its style of music.

The laughter at 17827 Coral Burst Street will be slightly more subtle.

A sister will cry.

A father will hug longer than usual.

One particular mother will feel her heart leave her body once again.

The Jarvis puzzle will seem to be missing a piece – incomplete.

And yet….

A campus awaits.

Lives soon to be touched and changed.

A young man enters the scenario.

Fear and excitement and possibility all over his face.

And this strange new place will become home.

Laundry will pile up.

A small refrigerator will be filled to capacity.

Messes will abound.

The volume in a dorm hall will explode.

What left this house, walks onto a campus.








Great love.

Changing addresses to bless more than just the occupants of a home in Parker, Colorado.

A beautiful young man heads into his future to matchlessly change his world.

And a mother stands and watches from a distance.

Not sure if her heart is exploding with grief or pride.

Or maybe both…

And is left with a very damp, very wide smile on her face…



Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




Thanks for connecting! Check your email for some goodness, arriving soon...