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I have something in my “I”

And I think that something’s “ME”

It blocks my vision in and out

So I can barely see.

I have something in my “I”

It’s very irritating

Others look like obstacles

And objects for berating.

The “ME” in my “I” makes me say things I shouldn’t

Puts my needs above others, tried to stop but I couldn’t..

When my vision’s distorted it makes my heart blind

To others’ opinions which aren’t just like mine.

Can’t see the forest for all of the “ME’s”

Somehow I see splinters but not my own tree.

I rub and I rub to get this thing out

It’s not meant to be there, I have no doubt.

But the more that I rub the more it ingrains

Consuming my heart, engulfing my brain.

‘Til my “I” is just sore, and the “ME” is still there

And I’m back where I started, leaning in to despair.

Then up walks my Friend, a surgeon renowned

“I’s” are His specialty, “ME’s” His background.

Gently He takes my face in His hands

Without even a word, I know He understands.

He looks in my “I’s” and takes out the “ME”

As if for the first time, I finally can see.

He replaces the “ME” with an “O” and a “U”

“O” is for others, the “U” for Him (You).

Now all that I’m left with, besides clearer vision,

Is an “I” with “OU” and a heartfelt decision

To live out my life as an “IOU” –

Thanks to a Surgeon who knew just what to do…

Philippians 2:3 – Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.


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xo, jana




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