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Rustic decor is the way to go

When things get dusty it doesn’t show.

Cracks or scratches?  Don’t worry, no harm.

It only adds to the rustic charm.

Loose threads and raw edges?  In this case a must.

And if you are lucky, exposed nails with rust.

Tattered pages on a coffee table book

Give the authentic feel of the primitive look.

The Little House on the Prairie had floors covered with dirt

So what’s a spot on the carpet going to hurt?

Barn wood (my favorite) brings thoughts of a farm

So messes from animals are no cause for alarm.

When edges are worn on sofas and chairs

They look more antique than before, so who cares?

Cobwebs and crumbs just add to the feel

Of a life lived simply, just keeping it real.

If something gets broken, you don’t get it fixed

Just display the imperfection (a rustic decor trick!)

Shopping for rustic is also quite cheap

You can find treasure in junk pile heaps.

Nobody’s house will look quite like yours

When you find all your items at second hand stores.

Yes, rustic decor is very forgiving

And how this imperfect girl will always be living…

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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