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Yesterday was a very strange day at work.  There was much to be done and the need for great creativity, but both of those were superseded by the deeper need of others to talk and to be heard. Every time I turned around what began as a conversation about clothing or...

Weaver Of Lovely

Everyone has an amazing story.  A story of struggle and triumph.  Grief and joy.  Heartache and great love. Sunday I had the privilege of getting to speak to a group of women that reminded me again of that.  After my talk (thanks for praying :-)) I was able to talk...

Please and Thank You

If it comes to your heart and mind today, please pray for me.  I have my first speaking gig since the book came out.  Today I’ll be talking to a group of single moms (150?).  Because this is a pretty specific group of women, I want my message to speak to them...

Southwestern Pulled Brisket

I made this last week and it is so, so yummy!  And easy! Southwestern Pulled Brisket Serves 4, says the recipe; I’d say you can stretch it a bit further if you go taco-style with fixings 3 pounds beef brisket Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons...

Feed It

Energy seems to feed on itself.  The good and the bad. This week I had the sweet opportunity of meeting with some incredibly creative women.  We are going to be getting together once a month to work on projects.  The creative energy just multiplied the more time that...