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Yesterday as I took my first baby steps in a new journey of writing, I put on the shoes of someone whose road I have never travelled.  I prayed that God would give me insight into what she’s experienced and to be able to feel a tiny bit of what she has endured. I think He did just that.

To get behind the eyes of another soul is a humbling experience.  I don’t want to miss anything or  misrepresent the details of the experience.  I don’t want to downplay or exaggerate.  I just want to present a real and clear picture of these true life stories that can touch other hurting souls and give them hope.  I want to represent these brave women well.

Jesus came and did that for us.  He came to get behind our eyes and into our hearts.  To walk in our shoes and share our path.  And then He went and represented us and our story when He went to the cross.  He took all of our ugly “stuff” on Himself, on a tree.  He bled over it and died for it.  He forgave it and eliminated it.  And He offered a new life in its place.

As I would take “writing breaks” yesterday, I taught myself to finger knit (very fun, btw!) .  My fingers were tied up in a mass of yarn that began by looking like a big tangly mess.  But as my fingers kept doing their thing, something began to emerge.  A lovely design and pattern.  Something that made sense and had beauty and purpose.

I couldn’t help thinking how that was such a picture of what God does in our lives as we give Him the tangled messes that we’ve made or that have been made for us.  He puts his fingers in there and begins creating something of beauty out of something that once seemed merely messy and meaningless. Something that is of value not just for ourselves, but for others, too.

Today I will begin working on another person’s story.  And my prayer will be that I will see and understand the heart of this woman, get a glimpse of what she experienced and be a witness to what the fingers of God have knitted through her life…

Psalm 139:13 – For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Philippians 1:6 – And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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