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Be careful what you ask for…

Saturday’s book signing went really well.  I sold quite a few books and got to have good, individual conversations over each sale.  It was lovely.  In a familiar place with familiar people.

Yesterday was a bit different.  I knew it would be.  I was heading to a coffee shop across town, owned by a friend and her husband.  She had graciously offered to let me have a book signing there.  Unfortunately, she ended up having to work at her other job unexpectedly so she wasn’t able to join me.

With the exception of her gracious son who welcomed me to the coffee shop, no one said a word to me.  I went to a table and set up my “stuff”, feeling a little awkward and a very conspicuous.  As I sat down I did two things. I pulled out and set up my computer (to avoid looking lost and “needy”) and started to pray (to avoid feeling lonely and disappointed).

I prayed that God would bring along just one person who needed to know that they were loved and held.  Someone who could use a little encouragement.  Little did I know that  I would be encouraged as well…

The new gal who was working at the coffee shop approached me.  She asked about the book and then sat down to talk with me about it.  We ended up talking very little about the book.  We talked for an hour and half about life and love and faith.  Mutual encouragement was happening right there at a little cafe table.  When we were done and I was packing up my things, she said that she knew without a doubt that we supposed to meet yesterday.  That it was an absolute God thing and that God had confirmed and answered specific things for her through our conversation.

And then I knew.  I knew that God had so clearly answered my prayer.  He DID send one person who needed encouragement.  And in the process my heart was encouraged, too.

I only sold one book yesterday.  But what was lacking in numbers was more than compensated in rich soul sharing.  And two of us left with a new friend and fellow traveller on this journey of life.

Maybe next time I’ll ask Him for TWO people 🙂

1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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