There’s a hole in my head where my brain should reside
A large, gaping place where no logic can hide
Not a black hole where things disappear
But a colorful playground with musical air
Where ideas dance, creativity sings
Jumping and bumping into everything
Where inklings collide and join arms together
Til “aha” appears ‘cuz now the thought’s better
There are no boxes in this colorful hole
No lids to contain the notions of the soul
The air there is thick with things that “could be”
With “what ifs” and wonderings the eyes can’t yet see
Imagination reigns where rules don’t apply
Where thoughts get their wings and learn how to fly
There’s a hole in my head where my brain should reside
A place I can go, where my thoughts like to hide
So if I seem flighty, if things I forget
Like getting the mail or calling the vet
Or making appointments or returning a call
Forgetting a birthday, getting lost at the mall
Please forgive me offenses I never intended
When rational thought temporarily ended
I tend to live in that colorful place
Ideas flying at a frenetic pace
Just come take my hand, lead me out of the hole
Or else, come on in and find wings for your soul….