It’s snowing! Woke up to beautiful white flakes falling through the air and landing to make a soft white blanket on the ground! It’s so beautiful! And so crazy that just this past week it was 85 degrees here…
Quiet house, a blanket, my coziest, oversized sweatshirt, my writing chair, homemade cinnamon rolls baking in the kitchen, a skinny caramel macchiato, soft piano music in the background. The only thing that could have made this day better was if my fireplace was working (calling TODAY!). Sigh…nearly the perfect Saturday…
I’m sure it’s the setting that’s allowing my heart to be content to not move around all day and “get things done”. Even on my days off, I have a terrible time just being still. So much that “needs” to be done. So many “obligations” and “expectations”. Pretty much all things that I put on myself.
This phrase played in my head last night and I woke up to it again this morning with the calmness of snow all around. “The one thing.”
I know this is not the first time I’ve shared this, but as we head toward the holidays and all the craziness that can ensue, it comes to mind again. Mary and Martha. Two sisters who loved Jesus dearly. Two of His closest friends, who had Him over for dinner. One of them (Mary) understood intimacy with Jesus and spent her time listening to and engaging with Him. The other (Martha) was caught up in all that “needed” to be done for Jesus. The busyness and details were distracting and upsetting her. And she was irritated that her sister wasn’t sharing her sense of urgency.
She brought this fact up to Jesus. And instead of telling Mary to do more, He said that she had gotten it right. Luke 10: 41-42 – “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” I think that Jesus was inviting Martha to be part of “the one thing” that Mary had chosen. To know and love Him. To focus on and listen to Him. Her frustration and worry level would automatically be lower if her heart chose to be in the right place.
I’m sure that by nature Mary and Martha had very different personalities. Mary was probably more laid back and Martha more the “take charge and get things done” one. Mary may have been more of the dreamer, and Martha the practical one. But both could choose “the one thing” because the One Thing was right there with both of them. Each of their relationships with Him would be unique, but both of them had the equal opportunity to enjoy His presence, His voice, and His touch.
There are so many “things” out there. To do, to experience, to be a part of. All good things. But things that can also distract us from “the one thing” – Jesus and our relationship with Him. He’s not asking us to do more for Him. He’s asking us to sit at His feet and listen to His voice and love Him. And then hold His outstretched hand and join Him in loving others. When His heart is our focus, other things fade a little more into the background where they belong and our state of being “worried and upset about many things”, as Jesus put it, shifts into contentment and rest. Our “need to” list shortens and we once again catch our breath and let out a relieved sigh…
Jesus, thank you for the snow. And the reminder to join you with my blanket and comfiest oversized sweatshirt and my skinny caramel macchiato and just enjoy “the one thing”…