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Just found out that our closest family friends received devastating news last night.  Their 18-year-old daughter was just diagnosed with leukemia.  Our hearts are broken as we cry out to our Great Healer and Coach… We love you so much, Katie. Our beautiful warrior….

She didn’t see it coming

This silent enemy

Sneaking up within her lovely frame

She didn’t hear its entrance

This opponent, still unseen,

Who challenged her to play an unfair game

The girl had won past battles

With foes upon the court

Fighting hard and playing strong to win

Now she faced a new opponent

One who’d broken every rule

Playing dirty with a mean and ugly grin

But this enemy was unaware

This girl had a private Coach

Who gave her strength and told her how to play

Who cheered her on with every move

This player He adored

Then gave her rest to face another day

The enemy it roared its threats

And reared its ugly head

Fear calling out it’s name from in the stands

But louder still, right by her side

The Coach’s  loving voice

That called her name, and held up both His hands

For on His palms, between the scars

In blood, for all to see

She saw her name so beautifully inscribed

And underneath her name

Was written, bold and red,

“Beautiful Warrior – ready for this fight”

So she went to face the enemy

No longer alone or afraid

Holding the Hand that held her  and held her name

The beautiful warrior

Prepared for the fight

In for the win,  of this,  her best played game…

1 Samuel 17 (The story of David and Goliath – We serve a mighty God who is still in the business of fighting and killing “giants”…..Jesus, fight with and for us….)






Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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