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Psalm 27:8 –

 (NIV) -My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, LORD, I will seek.

(NLT) – My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “LORD, I am coming.”

I came across this verse today in my time with Jesus.  It just happens to be Britt’s favorite verse.  And the more I soak it in, the more it is becoming one of mine.

I love the word picture.  God is speaking to my heart to draw me to His.  I love the intimacy that is portrayed in the New Living Translation – “My heart has heard you say, ‘Come and talk with me.’ And my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming.”  I picture a quiet corner with a roaring fire and a hot cup of coffee.  And Jesus sitting there, saving me a seat.  Asking me to join Him in an intimate conversation meant only for two.  He wants to share things from His heart with me. He wants to hear my heart. A deep and reciprocal relationship.

But I get even a clearer picture when I read it in the New International Version – “My heart says of you, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, LORD, I will seek.”  God is asking me to seek His face.  When I read this I see a mother asking her children to look into her eyes as she declares her love.  An imploring, almost, to see through her eyes into her heart so they can begin to grasp her great love that is beyond description.

Or lovers who look into each other’s eyes, desiring to fully know and be fully known.  As if to say, “This is who I am.  Know me.  And know that all that you see in my eyes and all that you know of my heart is yours. And all that you don’t know yet, I want to share with you.  I am yours.”

There is something about the face that is a window to the soul.  It shows the emotions that are unspoken.  It reflects joy and grief.  Elation and pain.  Pleasure and disgust.  Contentment and longing.  When we see people from a distance, we cannot see those things clearly.  We can’t make out the features of their face that tell us who they are and what they are feeling.  But if we are up close and take the time to really listen with our eyes, we can get a glimpse of what is going on inside of them.  It takes proximity to do that.

If I want a clear view of Jesus’ face, I need to come close to Him. From a distance, I will never be able to read that face, to look into His eyes, to know His heart.  How can I do that?  I read His words.  I meet with Him each day, accepting His invitation to spend time together.  I watch for the things He does each day through people and circumstances, that bring my eyes back to Him.  I respond to the “gut feelings” that He gives me in reference to things that make Him smile or cause Him pain.  And when I fail miserably at all of those things, I come back and ask Him for a do over.  Another chance to look into His beautiful face and embrace all that He offers.  Himself.

Jesus, lift my face to Yours….

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xo, jana




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