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Organic.  That’s what I want my life to be. Authentic.  Real.  Not forced or contrived.

Organic foods are  foods that are grown or produced without using artificial enhancers.  It’s natural.  Free of additives, preservatives or outside boosters.  They are what they are and were created to be.  Delicious and nutritious.

I want to be like that.  I want the things that I say and do and think to be a natural outflow of my love for Jesus.  Sometimes I think we get it backwards.  We try so hard to do the right things to prove (maybe even to others) that we love Jesus.  It’s not coming from us organically.  We do more bible studies, we volunteer more, we run around trying to do, do, do.  If we’re trying to prove something, then all we’re producing is artificial fruit.  Fruit without nourishment or flavor or life.  Neither delicious or nutritious.

But what if my focus starts in that rich organic soil of loving Jesus? What if I lay everything else aside and soak myself in the fact that I am loved and cherished and treasured by God Himself?  What if I stop each morning and consider what that love did for me – that it rescued me, took me in, and gave me life?  What if I allow myself  to love Him with everything I am, confide in Him, run to Him for my every need, interact and communicate with Him in the day to day doings of life?  What kind of fruit could come out of my life then?

I can’t do anything really, truly good on my own.  I can try.  I can try really hard.  But if it isn’t a natural outcome of my love for Jesus and Him living through me, then it’s all just a bunch of “stuff”. Fake fruit.

I’m not gonna try and push out an apple today.  I’m just gonna love Jesus and watch what He produces naturally.  So whether it’s a single grape or a whole fruit salad, it will be organic.  Authentic.  From the most natural source…

John 15: 5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit…”

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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