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As if on pins and needles

Half my body tingles

Am I just excited?

Nope.  I just have shingles.

I thought I had some bug bites

Right there on my “hiney”

But then the bumps got bigger

The welts were red and shiny.

I thought I’d pulled a muscle

While going on my run

Turns out it’s pain from shingles

This isn’t very fun.

Just one half of my body

Aches from waist to toe

But how can it be shingles?

That’s just for when you’re old.

Don’t have time for all this nonsense

I have chores and household duties

I can’t be still for viruses

And a form of big girl cooties.

But I will take the medicine

The doctor gave to me

Should ease the pain and calm the nerves

That are throbbing endlessly.

Do you think they are called shingles

Cuz they put you “through the roof”?

That’s gotta be the reason

Look at me, I’m living proof!

So beware, if you’ve had chicken pox

You could be in my shoes

Itching, burning, aching, pain

Herpes Zoster blues.

In three to four weeks they’ll be gone

But I can tell you what

I can say, quite literally,

“Shingles are a pain in my butt!”

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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